Babolat RPM Hurricane 200m Reel
Babolat RPM Hurricane 200m Reel
200m reel Babolat RPM Hurricane
Babolat RPM Hurricane (formerly Pro Hurricane Tour) is a co-polyester string with an octagonal (8-sided) structure. This feature not only increases spin thanks to its edges, but also optimizes ball control. In fact, the flat faces will overlap and offer a longer ball/string contact time.
Thanks to its specific low-density copolyester design, the Babolat RPM Hurricane string is flexible enough to offer good ball speed and tolerance to decentering.
We recommend the Pro Hurricane Tour to players looking for a good control/power ratio and an outstanding spin.
Finally, its excellent durability will delight heavy hitters. Heavy hitters can opt for the thicker gauges.
The Babolat RPM Hurricane string in detail:
The octagonal string structure gives the RPM Hurricane an excellent spin while optimizing control.
The power provided by the string's flexibility makes it possible to find an ideal compromise between precision and ball speed. Lifters will find it easy to hit heavy, powerful balls with a curved trajectory.
Tolerant, it enables attackers to release their shots with confidence and defenders to regain control of the point even in tricky positions.
If there's one weak point, it's its structure. Indeed, if RPM Hurricane is durable, you'll notice a faster decline in overall performance than on unstructured strings. The edges of Babolat RPM Hurricane gradually become rounder, offering less spin over time.
This set is available in several gauges: 1.20 - 1.25 - 1.30 gauge and 1.20 - 1.25 - 1.30 gauge 1.35.
Optimize the performance of your Babolat RPM Hurricane string by selecting the right gauge:
The 1.20 gauge offers maximum feel, comfort and power. It's perfect for rackets with small headsize strings, as the thinner the gauge, the faster the strings break.
The 1.25 gauge offers the best compromise between power and comfort spin. This gauge should be installed on headsize strings of 645cm² or less. Be careful not to use the 1.25 gauge on headsize over 645cm² to avoid poor frame/string performance.
The 1.30 gauge is intended for hitters and players who break regularly. These two conditions must be met to use Babolat RPM Hurricane strings in 1.30. gauge. You can use it on headsize strings larger than 645cm².
Finally, the 1.35 gauge will offer maximum control and durability. Extreme breakers and heavy hitters will have a field day. Beware, however, of the loss of comfort with this type of gauge.
String tension tip Babolat RPM Hurricane:
We advise you not to exceed a tension of 24 kilos on a headsize of 645cm². A structured string offers more spin, so your ball will be shorter. You'll be able to hit harder to find a little more length.
If you apply a tension higher than 24kg, you'll lose efficiency and be forced to hit harder, which will more easily lead to forearm and/or shoulder pain.
You can increase the tension to 25kg on headsize between 660cm² and 690cm².
A little hint Extreme Tennis:
The Babolat RPM Hurricane string is a rather powerful string, so don't try to make it a very controllable string by increasing the tension. It's better to change to a string that offers more control by nature.
Data Sheet
Brand: Babolat
Advantage 1: Spin
Advantage 2: Durability
Type: Monofilament
Length: 200m reel
Colour: Yellow
Compositions: Polyester